Monday, April 19, 2021

Types of Fire Alarms - How to Choose the Right One?

Are you thinking about getting the right fire alarm? These days, given the extreme need, and affordability, homeowners are looking for security devices. There is an incredible number of options that cause confusion in the buyer’s minds as to which one would be most suitable for them. If you search for a wireless fire alarm Manchester, you will get series of options within them. Let’s mention each type of fire alarms and its specialities, making it easy for you to choose one.

Ionization Fire Alarm

What Is It: 

Ionization fire alarms are the kind of alarms that are susceptible to small particles of smoke. They are best to detect flaming fires. By flaming fires, it means the fire produced from flammable material like oil, wood, and paper. These material produce more flame and little smoke. So, there are many smoke alarms that cannot detect a flaming fire, but an ionization fire alarm is the best in detecting them. Also, make sure that you do not install it near the kitchen because it will keep ringing while cooking, as it can detect small particles of smoke. 

How Does It Work?

Ionization alarms have an ionization chamber that consists of radioactive material. Inside the ionization chamber, there is an electrical current flowing between two electrical plates. When the particles of smoke enter the system, it disrupts the flow of current which triggers the alarm. 


Its incredible sensitive detectors enable it to detect a flammable fire. Therefore, these fire alarms ensure robust security against fire. 

Photoelectric Fire Alarm

What Is It:

Photoelectric fire alarms are super sensitive and efficient in sensing a smouldering fire. A smouldering fire is such a fire that begins slowly and burns without flames. It is evident that people die by inhaling smoke than getting burnt by fire. Therefore, these fire alarms are very necessary.

How Does It Work?

Photoelectric fire alarms work same as the ionization but these have a light beam instead of electricity. It consists of a light-emitting diode and a light-sensitive sensor in a sensitive chamber. As the smoke enters the chamber, it scatters the light beam triggering the fire alarm. 



Since it can detect smouldering smoke, it can inform the residents before it is too late, which can be a lifesaver. But photoelectric alarm systems have become outdated as ionization fire alarms are super sensitive. 


Combination Fire Alarm:

What Is It: 

A combination fire alarm is a combination of ionization and photoelectric alarm. It means that such alarms can detect both flaming and smouldering fires. These are the most efficient, therefore, preferred by professionals.


How Does It Work?

These alarms use both ionization detectors and photoelectric detectors to work as a single unit. It means that it has a light-sensitive and ionization chamber. 


The advantage of the combination fire alarm is that provides robust security by performing the functions of both ionization and photoelectric fire alarms. 


What Should You Look Into While Picking A Fire Alarm? 

When choosing the fire alarm, you must keep following things in your mind:

  1. Consider the place where you need to fit the fire alarm: Assess the kind of fire risk you expect in the particular region. 
  2. Environmental factors:Is the area very dry, humid, or moderate. 
  3. The size of the area to be covered.
  4. Speed of fire detection you require


Bottom Line

When buying a fire alarm, you keep the dimensions and parameters of the area you want to secure. Also, thoroughly look into each type of fire alarm about its specifics and how it can cater to your requirements. 

Also Read: 5 Home Security Alarms - Anyone Can Afford

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Assure These Things Before Hiring a Security Company


When it comes to security systems, a good security company is a great friend for you. There are many security companies Manchester, but not all of them can be trusted.

Different measures need to be taken before appointing a security company.

When you decide to select a security company, there are many things that you as an owner should understand.

You have the responsibility of ensuring that your building’s security is up to the current city’s guidelines. This means making sure the security guards and companies you hire are qualified.

This article will guide you in selecting a security company for your premises.

How To Choose A Security Company?

With an increase in demand for such services, you must take your time to choose a well-equipped firm with qualified, skilled experts who can help you in an emergency. There are certain things you need to consider before hiring a security agency. Here are some of them:

Company’s Reputation

Whenever you hire a company, it’s important to look into their reputation. For instance, you wouldn’t hire an accounting firm if they had complaints against them for fraud. You would want to dig deeper and look at more details than just the information disclosed on the surface.

The same goes for hiring a security company.

Reputation is all about trust. Trust is a factor that will either make or break a company.

If trust and privacy were at the top of your list, you have already taken the first step to go about looking for a company that is qualified, professional, and trustworthy.

Company’s Licence And Insurance

Before you work with a security company, make sure the company is licensed and insured. Many states require private security companies to obtain a license. In most circumstances, common home security companies will take care of the required paperwork easily and free of charge.

A lot of people have a habit of choosing companies from the internet and then over the phone. The challenge is that they do not know if the company is licensed or not. Inspectors should always check if the company you are hiring is properly licensed. This will help you to verify their competence and ensure that they provide quality services.

Trained Security Staff

One of the biggest concerns I would have if I were to hire a security company is whether the guards employed by that company know how to do their job.

The first thing to understand is that when you hire security guards, they must be trained and certified. Security guards need training so they can know how to react and handle different situations that may arise during their work.

When you are protecting your business, you should know if the security company is using armed guards or unarmed.

Armed guards are much more able to protect your business from any crime that may take place. Unarmed guards are no match for armed robbers and other threats.

So before hiring a security company, make sure that you know which type of guards they will be using.

Your Budget

Anyone who needs security for any event knows how expensive it can be. Therefore, before securing the service of a professional company, you should make sure that you know your budget. This is especially important if you do not have an unlimited amount of money to spend since these services are usually quite costly.

Bottom Line

Hiring a company for your security needs can be quite confusing and tiring. Before you start the process of choosing a security company, do consider these factors so that you won’t regret your decision in the future.

Also Read: Why Cameras Are not the Future of Home Security?