Monday, October 4, 2021

Which Buildings Require a Fire Alarm System?

Fire Alarm System

Fire alarm systems are an essential part of every building and household. In fact, many places have a mandatory policy of installing fire alarms within any newly constructed buildings in order to avoid the possibility of fire and smoke hazards. This initiative is a step in the right direction as policymakers want to ensure the safety of living beings and their properties.  

Whether there is a policy for installing fire alarms or not, it is a no-brainer that certain types of buildings are more prone to catching fire than others. Therefore it is a necessity to make sure these buildings have a working fire alarms system installed in them. Check out fire alarms systems to find out the right type of fire alerting systems that suit your needs and budget.

Today we will tell you about some types of buildings that require a fire alarm system.

High Rise Buildings

It is obvious that a smaller building has more advantages to itself than a larger building in terms of the size and capacity of people present inside them. A larger building will require a number of fire alarms to be installed in multiple locations so that it can alert the building’s residents/workers in time to save themselves from any hazards and fatalities. On the contrary, a smaller building will have fewer people inside it and therefore the evacuation process will be much easier than a bigger building.


New laws mandate fire alarms to be installed on every floor of homes in many countries. This might seem expensive for the homeowners to own, but its benefits far outweigh the initial cost of setup. After all, the safety of life and belongings is everyone's utmost priority within their homes. You can’t deny the fact that people with fire alarms systems will have a better chance of controlling the fire hazards and potentially save lives as compared to the ones who do not bother about their safety that much.

Shopping malls/Commercial shops

There is a huge amount of hustle and bustle happening in these areas every day of the week. Thousands of people visit a particular mall every single day for shopping and entertainment. A reliable fire alarms system needs to be installed in these malls as many lives are at stake as well as millions of worth of goods. 

Not only that but these commercial and public places have more risk of catching fire due to any issue like electrical short-circuits and lack of concentration during any work in rush hours that demands full attention at all times.

Petrol Pumps

These are potential hotspots for a fire. Therefore a fire alarm system is needed in these pumps to avoid any fire and blasts as fire in these areas means catastrophic outcomes in the form of deaths and destruction.


Hence, never take fire hazards lightly, these alarms might be expensive and hard to maintain at times, but you will be able to save lives and prevent any damages.

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